Wednesday, June 26
For nearly the last two years, Mark has been attending Southwest Baptist University enrolled in their physical therapy program. When making the decision about which school to attend, it was appealing to both Mark and I that at SBU we would be in an environment with many other Christians who were of other denominations. We have enjoyed many conversations with friends who have known relatively little about our faith and likewise have had enjoyable conversations with friends who are a little more familiar with the identity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. However, we often experience the effects of misinformed and preconceived ideas about what the Mormon church is. I would hope that Mark and I are able to correct some of the misinformation out there and along with it help others to know more about the divinity of our personal belief system.
The other day Mark told me that he had another religious themed conversation with one of his Christian friends and a little of what they had talked about. Since then my thoughts have been pulled back to what was spoken in that conversation and other similar conversations. And I cannot deny, that sometimes I tire of the illogic of it.
During the conversation, Mark's friend wondered how Mark can be sure that if he is not right (Mormonism not being right) that he is not going to be damned to hell.
Mark pointed out that according to mainstream Christianity (including the Baptist point of view) that in order to be saved, all a person must do is proclaim Jesus Christ as their Savior. End of story.
Mark claims Christ as His Savior. Not only does he profess it, in addition (and to the best of his ability) he lives it. So according to mainstream Christianity, Mark has qualified for salvation (and as his wife, I can say, he's far exceeded the bare minimum requirement as set forth by mainstream Christianity).
Pardon me, if I get a little riled up when someone ignores all the physical and intangible but observable proof of my husband's conversion to Jesus Christ, and in disbelief, asks him how he can be so sure that he's not going to be damned.
How is the fallacy of argument not as obvious as the blaring tornado sirens that grace our little town?
Again, pardon me, if I get a little riled up when the Baptist preacher (or most any another Christian preacher) spends so much time disillusioning their congregation to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the effect that logical thinking evades even the most schooled individual.
For those of you that might be offended right about now, please go back and read about how my husband claims the Savior Jesus Christ as his Redeemer but also lives the principles taught by God's Only Begotten.
If you don't see the fallacy yet, ponder this...
LDS Charities, Humanitarian Aid, this, this, or this... or the words of a living prophet? Have you listened to him in order to judge whether or not he is a living prophet? Ask the Holy Spirit after you've done so, he will answer you.
For the third time, forgive me, if I get a little riled up when a fellow Christian suggests that what I believe and live to be the work of an evil spirit.
Maybe it would help if I reminded you what the Lord taught in James 3:10-12 and more thoroughly touched upon in Moroni 7:10-13):
Wherefore, a man being evil cannot do that which is good; neither will he give a good gift.
For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.
Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.
But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.
In fact, the whole of Chapter 7 in Moroni is inspired teaching regarding this subject.
The most beautiful and simple truth of it is that Joseph Smith did pray to God the Eternal Father in a grove when he was 14 years old. In effect, God and His Son, Jesus Christ, two distinct and separate heavenly personages appeared to him. Through him, they restored (not reformed) Christ's church to earth including the authorization to act in God's name and with God's power, the Holy Priesthood, and all rights, ordinances, and doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their perfect and undiluted fulness. Joseph Smith was called as a prophet of God to bear witness of this event and to be an instrument in God's hands in whatever way the Lord saw fit. From that day, there has been an unbroken line of authority, an unbroken line of prophets. The work of the Restoration did not stop with the death of Joseph Smith because in fact it was not his work, it was and is the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Father, God the Eternal Father. The Book of Mormon is a fruit of one of God's prophets. It can be either true or untrue. According to the 14,782,473 millions of people and the number is growing daily and most importantly, according to the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, The Teacher of All Truth, it is true.
And I know no matter what that, as prophesied by the Prophet Joseph Smith, the work of the Restoration that Joseph Smith was a part of will continue until my Savior comes to reign upon this earth. Just as the stone cut out of the mountain:
“The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” - Joseph Smith, 1842
I will add my voice to the passionate words of a living Apostle of Christ.
Perhaps there exists a conflict between what the world and what your preacher say of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or as most people call us, the Mormons, because what the antagonists say is not true.
This is His work and I know it. Perhaps, if you removed some of the clouds of darkness in your mind regarding our church and the Book of Mormon, you might enable a pathway of communication for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of these things to you.
By their fruits you shall know them. While our people are not perfect, as a whole we seek to follow Christ and to do as He taught.
My life is still in its early beginnings and I still do not know the details of what the Lord will ask of me, but I do know, that whatever the cost of my individual salvation, it will not come easy. Although available to all, it is not easy. Among other things, I will stand and bear my witness that I know these things are true and forever will they be.
Amanda, you should be a writer! You are extremely eloquent :) I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately too and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. Hope you're all doing well! Can't wait till you live (a little) closer again!